Friday, June 27, 2014

Fancy new dragon!

So, this one has nothing to do with food, but I'm excited it's finally arrived.  About a year ago, Cuarto, a Russian artist, posted a prototype picture of this dragon figurine, which promptly went viral and sparked an overload of people trying to order them.  After about 9 months on the wait list, my turn finally came up, and I ordered a dark blue one:

Cuartosdolls Darkhorn blue dragon

My camera, of course, is nowhere near as good, but you still get the idea.  All of the joints make it fully posable - a little too posable, in fact, as trying to move one part of it tends to make the rest of it shift, too, so it spends as much time falling over as standing up.  Nonetheless, it's a really fun investment. 

Cuartosdolls Darkhorn blue dragon

At 15 inches long, it's the perfect size to be manipulated by hand while still being well-proportioned.

Cuartosdolls Darkhorn blue dragon

It also came with a spare head with closed eyes, and a dozen different colored gems that could be placed in the sockets - standing in as a dragon's hoard in the picture below.

Cuartosdolls Darkhorn blue dragon

The last photo is a new feature, which I didn't take advantage of: adding wings.  Since they're not flexible, and they require an extra joint in the model's shoulders, I felt they'd be a bit out of place, but I can see how they add to the dragon aura.

Cuartosdolls Darkhorn white dragon with wings

I'm considering ordering a second, but there's still quite a wait for them, so I haven't convinced myself yet.  In the meantime, I still need to acquire a bit more of a dragon hoard...