Sunday, August 30, 2015

Grandmother's Cookbooks & Old-Timey Recipes

My grandmother recently got her first computer and, taking advice to learn how it works, was transcribing some of her old recipes.  While I was visiting, I offered to digitize some of the shorter cookbooks for her, which she was glad to accept.  We didn't have access to a scanner, mine being some 2,000 miles away, so I apologize in advance for the potato-quality photos from my old phone.  I touched up the contrast to make them a little more legible, but some are blurry.

First up is the Occident Photo-Method Recipes for Bread, Rolls, and Fancy Breads.  I believe the cover and last page are missing, since it ends on 30 instead of 31.

occident photo-method for baking

Equipment & utensils

Bread ingredients

Important techniques

How to knead dough

4-loaf bread recipe

4-loaf bread recipe

4-loaf bread recipe

4-loaf bread recipe

4-loaf bread recipe

4-loaf bread recipe

6-loaf bread recipe

Occident photo-method for rolls

Basic roll dough

Basic roll dough

Basic roll dough

Basic roll dough

Other uses for roll dough

Speedie rolls, dessert breads, and danishes

Quick-bread dough

Fan Tans and Pecan Roll-Ups

Orange Twists and Kolackys

Coffee Cake and Bubble Ring

Tea Ring

Danish pastry

Danish pastry

Danish pastry variations

Danish pastry variations

Next is a pie-making pamphlet.  The first 4 pages of this one are missing, and I can only assume the last 4 are also, so I don't have enough information to identify it.

Pie-making techniques

Pie crusts

Pie crusts

Pie crusts

Pie crusts

Pie crusts

Other pie crusts

Pie crust tips

Apple pie

Berry pie

Rhubarb pie

Little pies

Grape pie, Cranberry pie, Pear pie

Strawberry pie, Peach pie

Canned fruit pie

Mincemeat pie

Custard pie

Pumpkin pie

Pecan pie, Walnut raisin pie, Chocolate pie

Baked Alaska

Pumpkin pie

Meringue pie

Meringue pie

Cream pie

Cream pie

Chiffon pie

Chiffon pie

White Christmas pie, Black Bottom pie




Meat pies

Meat pies

How to freeze pies

Pies and pastries

America's pies

The last two pamphlets were both published by Proctor and Gamble, the creators of Crisco, sometime after World War II.  The first one, Pie: America's Favorite Dessert, is about, obviously, pies.  The signature, Janie Bliss, is my great-grandmother's.


Pie ingredients

Pie equipment

Pie equipment

Mixing pie dough

Mixing pie dough

Pie do's and don't's

Butterscotch tarts

Meat pie, apple pie

Pumpkin pie, Lemon Meringue pie

Chocolate meringue pie, Apricon chiffon pie

End of Pie

And, last but not least, is Cakes and Cookies, also signed by my great-grandmother.  Back then, the singular of cookies was "cooky," so it's not a typo.

Cakes & Cookies

Cookie methods

Cake ingredients

Cake method

Baking equipment

Baking equipment

Cake Do's and Don't's

White cake, Yellow cake

Chocolate cake, Spice cake



Rolled cookie

Raisin bars, Brownies

Oatmeal cookies, Orange Drop cookies

End of Cookies

These recipes were the staple of my grandmother's baking, and she still uses some of them today (as you can tell by the stains and splatters), so if you're looking for some old-fashioned baking, try out one of these.

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