Saturday, November 6, 2010

Thing #19 - Other Social Networking Sites

Well, I always thought Facebook was enough for me, but then I started browsing lists of other networking sites, and I came across BakeSpace (  It sounds like the kind of thing I'd go for, so I signed right up.  I'm really not sure how many users it has, but it has over 45,000 recipes, is very well done and is easy to navigate.  It also starts off with zero information about you (all you need is an e-mail address and a username, and you're signed up) so you can pick and choose what you fill in.  Right when I signed up, I was a little disconcerted to find I already had a "friend" on my wall... until I clicked on her profile and it explained she was the founder of BakeSpace and is automatically added to all new members' profiles.  It's easy to add and remove people as friends, though.

Recipe swapping is super-easy, too.  Whenever you come across a recipe you like, there's a button to add it to your "Recipe Box", and then it goes into your profile, along with any tags you choose to add to it.  You can also upload any recipes you may have, which then become searchable and usable by other members.  I came across recipes that I liked really quickly, and started tossing things into my Recipe Box.  Now, of course, I want to go back through the family cookbooks and start adding recipes of my own, as well, which will take quite a while!  But, it looks like a really fun site, a good way to organize recipes (for which I've been searching for a long time) and an easy way to find, rate, and comment on other recipes.  I have to say, I'm not very far into it, but I'd have to recommend it.

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