Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thing #7 - Image Generators

I really had no idea what this meant, until I managed to find, and promptly wasted an entire afternoon.  Being a huge nerd, I first went for their Trading Card creator and Motivational Poster customizer, but I also had a look at their Color Palette generator, the Badge Maker, a Calendar generator, and LoLCat generator.  This can be a great way for someone to do fun things with their own photos, but it could also be really useful for libraries, especially libraries on a budget, to come up with fun, quick, and easy ways to put together interesting creations with their pictures.  I could easily see a library making fun calendars for a sale or giveaway, or using posters, trading-cards, or one of the other image generators, especially for something like a kids' summer reading program.  Here's a few of the things I came up with from my last trip to Japan:

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