Monday, October 4, 2010

Thing #9 - Implement Said Web 2.0

Well, to be honest, a lot of the stuff I listed in Thing #8 doesn't work too well for my blog here (I guess I really wasn't thinking ahead).  BUT, as far as blog technology for sharing slides and photos, I'm going to fall back on good old Picasa, which already implements well into Blogger as an add-on (as does Flickr and several other photo-sharing sites).  So, I posted a slideshow on the right sidebar with my pics from Nijo Castle in Kyoto, Japan.  It was surprisingly fun and easy, even though this is more of an integrated than outside technology for the blog.

For sharing slides/slideshows, I also recommend Prezi:  It's not a slideshow, more like one big slide with a revolving/rotating camera angle.  Despite that overly-simplistic description, it doesn't seem to cause motion sickness, and it's really interesting and engaging (much more so than normal Powerpoint slideshows, in my opinion!).  I've only used it a few times, and it takes a bit of tinkering with, but I know a lot of fans with Macs who don't run normal Microsoft Office and prefer it to, say, Google Docs or Open Office.  For regular photos, I have to say, I still recommend Picasa.  I've been using it less than a week, but I'm extremely pleased with it, and have to admit, I will probably discontinue my (also short-lived) use of Flickr in favor of it.  For videos, there's always Youtube, but I also recommend Jing:  It allows you to take videos or screenshots of your monitor's display, then upload them to, to be shared or searched however you set limits on it.  I've had a lot of fun with it in the past year or so, and it's great for posting and sharing tutorials, in particular.

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