Saturday, October 2, 2010

Thing #5 - Fun with Flickr

My plethora of e-mail accounts are now coming in handy with so many company conglomerations.  I'd never been to Flickr before, but logged in just fine with my Yahoo! e-mail account, and promptly started uploading pictures from my various trips overseas.  Unfortunately, because there's a monthly limit to free uploads, it will probably take me about 5 months just to get my last trip completely uploaded, much less the three before that!  Like any for-profit company, though, they'll only give you so much for free.  In the meantime, I just browsed through other photos.

The tagging feature is great, and makes things a lot easier to find.  However, it can cause problems too - my search for "morning glory" (though perhaps I should have pluralized it) brought up only 3 flower images on the first page, and only 2 of those were actually morning glories.  I really like all the features that show up on the right-hand side of the screen, actually, including the date and place that the picture was taken, as well as the set that it appears in (at least in the case of the ones I was looking at).  It also seems like a disproportionate amount of the pictures on Flickr are professional or semi-professional quality.  Not that that's a bad thing - it makes my own photos seem a bit inadequate in comparison, but I just never really thought that there were so many photography enthusiasts out there before.

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